I suppose it is a
tremendous missed opportunity but I’m glad I was unavailable to comment during
the run-up and starting bell of the Shutdown. I am saved from being
stridently indignant and shrill. Anything I could say at this point about
the transparent and irresponsible behavior of the House Republicans would be
redundant. I couldn’t possibly make a difference by adding to the
stunning pile of invective shoveled onto that hapless crew. Rather than
gulping bitter draughts of rage, I can return to a state of serene
wonderment. How could the Tea Party pirates so completely Shanghai the
House Republicans?

House Majority Leader John
Boehner comes out looking decidedly the worse for wear. See the video
link for – relatively speaking – the majestic utterances of a statesman. Published on YouTube on
September 28, in it, Boehner accedes to the unalterable fact that the
Affordable Care Act – I mean, Obamacare – is the law of the land: it’s
not actually a bill to be negotiated in a conference committee. Now you don’t
see any sign of that understanding. What a difference five days can
make. That must have been one helluva party. Something must have
bitten him.
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