It’s that time of the year so here’s my list.
Reducing the deficit is not about fiscal responsibility; it’s about starving the public sector and lowering the bill for government.
Lowering taxes is absolutely about not spending your money on anybody but yourself.
De-funding public schools is not about choice, accountability, a business model, global competitiveness or reform; it’s about starving the public sector and lowering the bill for government.
De-funding public schools is about silencing the critics.
De-funding public schools is about pulling up the ladder once you’re there.
Privatizing the schools is not about choice; it’s about controlling the agenda.
Corporate tax-breaks are not about entrepreneurial incentives; it’s about keeping more money and paying less in taxes.
Reduced tax rates for investment and carried interest have nothing to do with incentives for capital formation; it’s about keeping more money and paying less in taxes.
Complaints about Big Government have nothing to do with civil rights or stifling entrepreneurial spirit; it has to do with getting rid of the cops.
Complaints about Big Government have nothing to do with waste or inefficiency; it’s about starving the public sector and lowering the bill for government.
Voter ID is not about voter fraud; it’s about disenfranchising the opposition.
“Right to Work” is not about civil rights, or choice; it’s about disenfranchising the opposition and exploiting the workers.
Rejecting “A path to citizenship” is not about coddling illegal immigrants; it’s about voter suppression and disenfranchising the opposition.

Reducing entitlements has nothing to do with slackers, takers, welfare queens or incentives to work; it’s absolutely about not spending your money on anybody but yourself.
Got your own list? By all means, send it in.